Does the business coach academy provide leads?

We make sure we give you everything you need to generate as many leads as you want. This is important because if we were the only ones providing you with leads that would be something out of your control and it would mean that you would be reliant on us. 

As we grow our business and get more certified partners as part of our team that is a diminishing thing for you because we would have to share the leads out between more people. That is why the most fundamental thing is for you to have the tools to generate your own leads.

Certified Partners

Our certified partners also get access to have their profiles be placed on our directory. This is a way that we can give you exposure and can generate leads for you.

Master Level Partners

The other thing we are building for our Master Level Partners is we will sign clients under our brand and using our funnel. We will then give those clients to one of our Master Level Partners to coach under a fee they both agree on. We thus convert the clients and give them to our certified master level partners.

So the most important thing is that you get everything to generate your own leads, its in your control and you can keep improving on it versus something thats out of your control and gets less valuable as we get more coaches.

Zander Woodford-Smith

Founder Business Coach Academy, Co-Author International Best Seller "Better Business, Better Life, Better World. Coaching Tools used by over 20,000 people.

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